
Base Endpoint URL

Authenticated Endpoints

Place a New Order

Request (POST)

Body Parameter Type Description
product string A valid product.
side string Can be buy or sell.
type string Can be market or pending.
leverage number Leverage to use.
amount integer Amount in contracts (1 contract = 0.001 BTC).
base_currency string Must be BTC.
price (optional) string Required only if type is pending.
take_profit (optional) string The trade’s take-profit price.
stop_loss (optional) string The trade’s stop-loss price.

A trade with type market will result in an open position.

A trade with type pending will result in a pending order and behaves as either a limit or stop order depending on its price (it works in both directions).

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


A trade accepted by the engine will be assigned a trade id which will appear in the response.

        "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
        "product": "EUR-USD",
        "price": "1.26635",
        "side": "buy",
        "leverage": "300",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "margin": "3.33333333",
        "base_size": "1000",
        "base_currency": "BTC",
        "type": "market",
        "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
        "decay_rate": "0.0002",
        "created_at": 1511482279492,
        "opened_at": 1511482876413

Cancel Order

Request (POST)

Body Parameter Type Description
id string The ID of the order to cancel.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


If successful, the response will contain the ID of the cancelled order.

If an order could not be cancelled (if it has been already filled, does not exist, etc.), an error is returned.

    "id": "9d335cce-d581-45f6-8efc-bdab3d61c6e2"

Update Order

Updates an order or position.

Request (POST)

Body Parameter Type Description
id string The ID of the order to update.
price (optional) number New price of the order.
take_profit (optional) number New take-profit price for the order.
stop_loss (optional) number New stop-loss price for the order.

For pending orders, price, take_profit, and stop_loss can be updated.

For open positions, take_profit and stop_loss can be updated.

To remove a take_profit or stop_loss, simply set it to 0.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


      "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
      "product": "EUR-USD",
      "price": "1.26635",
      "side": "buy",
      "leverage": "300",
      "amount": 1000000,
      "margin": "3.33333333",
      "base_size": "1000",
      "base_currency": "BTC",
      "type": "market",
      "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
      "take_profit": "1.28898",
      "stop_loss": "1.26477",
      "decay_rate": "0.0002",
      "created_at": 1511482279492,
      "updated_at": 1511482476135

Close Position

Closes a position at market price. Sells close at the ask, buys at the bid.

Request (POST)

Body Parameter Type Description
id string The ID of the position to close.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


        "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
        "product": "EUR-USD",
        "price": "1.26635",
        "side": "buy",
        "leverage": "300",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "margin": "3.33333333",
        "base_size": "1000",
        "base_currency": "BTC",
        "type": "market",
        "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
        "decay_rate": "0.0002",
        "close_price": "1.26995",
        "pnl": "2.84281590",
        "pnl_percent": "85.2845",
        "reason": "manual",
        "decay": "0",
        "created_at": 1511482279492,
        "opened_at": 1511482876413,
        "closed_at": 1511483816212

Split Position

Splits a position into two positions that can be managed separately.

Request (POST)

Body Parameter Type Description
id string The ID of the position to close.
ratio string A ratio of percents. E.g. 40:60.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


	success: true,
	data: {
		parent_id: "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
		first_position: {...},
		second_position: {...}

Get Orders

Lists your pending orders, sorted by submission time (most recent first).


Query Parameter Type Description
limit (optional) integer Number of orders to return (max is 100).

You can optionally pass a limit query parameter to limit the number of orders returned. By default, 100 items are returned.

E.g. /orders?limit=50.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.

Keeping track of your orders

We recommend listening to streaming WebSocket order events to maintain an up-to-date view of your open orders. It’s faster and in many cases more accurate than polling this endpoint, because an order’s state may change between the time you make an HTTP request and receive a response.

Polling this endpoint is highly discouraged.


An array of your pending orders.

        "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
        "product": "EUR-USD",
        "price": "1.26635",
        "side": "buy",
        "leverage": "300",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "margin": "3.33333333",
        "base_size": "1000",
        "base_currency": "BTC",
        "type": "market",
        "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
        "decay_rate": "0.0002",
        "created_at": 1511482279492

Get Positions

Lists your open positions, sorted by opening time.


Query Parameter Type Description
limit (optional) integer Number of positions to return (max is 100).

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


        "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
        "product": "EUR-USD",
        "price": "1.26635",
        "side": "buy",
        "leverage": "300",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "margin": "3.33333333",
        "base_size": "1000",
        "base_currency": "BTC",
        "type": "market",
        "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
        "decay_rate": "0.0002",
        "created_at": 1511482279492,
        "opened_at": 1511483479492

Get History

List your recent trades (closed positions), ordered by close time.


Path Parameter Type Description
product (optional) string Limit trades returned to this product.
Query Parameter Type Description
timestamp (optional) integer Return trades that occurred before this time.
limit (optional) integer Number of trades to return (max is 100).

Omitting product will return trades across all products.

E.g. /history?limit=50&timestamp=1511481127561

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.

Keeping track of your trades

We recommend listening to streaming WebSocket match events to maintain an up-to-date view of your closed positions. It’s faster and more accurate than polling this endpoint.

Polling this endpoint is highly discouraged.


An array of your recent trades.

        "id": "bf2b704c-010a-48ca-93fb-d0193f24420a",
        "product": "EUR-USD",
        "price": "1.26635",
        "side": "buy",
        "leverage": "300",
        "amount": 1000000,
        "margin": "3.33333333",
        "base_size": "1000",
        "base_currency": "BTC",
        "type": "market",
        "liquidation_price": "1.26354",
        "decay_rate": "0.0002",
        "created_at": 1511482279492,
        "opened_at" 1511483479492,
        "closed_at" 1511483979492

Get Balances

Lists your balances.


Path Parameter Type Description
asset (optional) string Limit balances returned to this asset.

Omitting asset will return all balances on your account. Only non-zero balances, or assets for which you have made at least one deposit will be returned.

For demo trading, add ?demo=true to your request.


    "BTC": "11.88900211"

Get Transactions

Lists your deposits and withdrawals, sorted by most recent first.


Path Parameter Type Description
type (optional) string Can be deposit or withdraw.
Query Parameter Type Description
asset (optional) string Limits transactions returned to this asset.
limit (optional) string Number of transactions to return (max 100).
timestamp (optional) string Return transactions that occurred before this time.

Omitting type will return all transactions on your account.

E.g. /transactions?asset=BTC&limit=50&timestamp=1511481127561


        "asset": "BTC",
        "amount": "0.2000000",
        "type": "deposit",
        "address": "2MzeJNyp47Cugv85aq361AwBmaC4kxHofuu",
        "txid": "8a0a2cd49b3bbcabc5a4066783e3aad47ea745a849450a865977b668ce514ec2",
        "timestamp": 1511482279491,
        "confirmed_at": 1511482379491

Get Deposit Address

Returns a deposit address for the provided asset.


Path Parameter Type Description
asset string A valid asset.


    "address": "2MzeJNyp47Cugv85aq361AwBmaC4kxHofuu",
    "asset": "BTC",
    "confirmations_needed": 1

Public Endpoints

Get Products

Lists products available to trade.


Path Parameter Type Description
product (optional) string Limits results returned to this product.


    "forex": [
            "EUR-USD", // product
            "300", // max leverage
            "0.00001", // tick
            "-0.0001", // decay rate
                "BTC": "600000" // max size
            "EUR/USD" // name

Get Quotes

Returns quotes for the provided product(s).


Path Parameter Type Description
products string One or more comma-separated products.


Polling this endpoint is highly discouraged in favor of subscribing to WebSocket events.


        "EUR-USD": [
                "1.12442", // mid price
                "1.12439", // bid price
                "1.12445", // ask price
                151143431932 // timestamp

Get Candles

Lists historical candles for a product. Candles returned are grouped by resolution.


Path Parameter Type Description
product string A valid product.
resolution string Can be 1, 5, 15, 60, 240, or 1D.
Query Parameter Type Description
signal (optional) string Can be mid, bid, or ask. Defaults to mid.
start (optional) number The time after which to fetch candles, in seconds.
end (optional) number The time before which to fetch candles, in seconds.
limit (optional) string Number of candles to return (max 150).

E.g. /candles/EUR-USD/60?signal=bid&start=1511480127&end=1511480129 fetches 1h bid candles on EUR/BTC between the start and end timestamps.


Each item in the array returned represents a candle with granularity resolution:
